Fig. 4.
Illustrations of the temporal (first row, a,c,e,g) and spatial (second row, b,d,f,h) patterns of low-b (green) and high-b (gray) slices are given. The same odd-even slice acquisition order [0,2,4,6.1,3,5,7.] is used for all. The varied parameters include the number of slices Ns: 12 in (a–d) and 15 in (e–h) and the superblock length L: 4 in (a–b), 3 in (c–d), 3 in (e–f) and 5 in (g–h). The coloured circles mark a suboptimal (red), non-uniform (orange) and to uniformly spread and optimal patterns (yellow). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)