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. 2015 Feb 3;5(1):80–90. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2014.10.004

Table 1.

Comparison of protocols used in TTDPM, JPR, and AMEDA proprioception tests.

Movement type Passive Passive/active Active
Movement velocity Very slow Slow/normal Normal
Practice/familiarization trial number Unfixed Unfixed Fixed, 15 trials
Testing trial number 3–5 correct answers Usually 3–5, up to 10 trials 50
Movement difference between familiarization and testing No Depends on the types of movement used in target joint position establishment and reproduction No
Proprioceptive information Largely movement information Depends on whether a physical stop is used during target joint position establishment Both movement and position information
General vision Blocked Blocked Available
Audio Blocked Available Available
Posture Usually lying or sitting Usually lying or sitting Standing
Constrain Usually constrained Usually constrained No constrains
Weight-bearing Usually none or partial weight-bearing None, partial or normal weight-bearing Normal weight-bearing
Attention requirement Very high High Medium-high
Memory requirement Very low High Low (recall)
Measurement Difference between the start position and responded position Error between the target position and performed position AUC score
Unit Degree Degree AUC score
Testing duration Up to 6 h Depends on the number of trials used 10 min

Abbreviations: TTDPM = threshold to detection of passive motion; JPR = joint position reproduction; AMEDA = active movement extent discrimination apparatus; AUC = area under the curve.