Figure 3. Clinical outcome of apheresis therapies for NMOSD attacks.
Remission status of all attacks (total n = 207) treated with plasma exchange (A) or immunoadsorption (B). Missing data plasma exchange: 1st line, n = 1; 2nd line, n = 4; 3rd line, n = 6; and 4th line, n = 1. (C) Short-term remission status after first- or second-line therapy with plasma exchange or immunoadsorption. Treatment courses with PE/IA as first- and second-line therapy were excluded (n = 2). Missing data plasma exchange: 1st line, n = 1 and 2nd line, n = 4. Generalized estimation equations with complete remission as the dependent variable were used for statistical analysis. (D) Change in EDSS after first or second-line therapy with plasma exchange (gray triangles) or immunoadsorption (red triangles). Missing data plasma exchange: 1st line, n = 19; 2nd line, n = 30; missing data immunoadsorption: 1st line, n = 7 and 2nd line, n = 15. One out of range value (immunoadsorption, −6.0) is not shown. Generalized estimation equations were used for statistical analysis. The Median is highlighted as black line. (E) Short-term remission status after apheresis therapy according to time intervals of attack onset to start of therapy. CR = complete remission; IA = immunoadsorption; NR = no remission; PE = plasma exchange; PR = partial remission.