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. 2017 Dec 28;50(4):1238–1251. doi: 10.4143/crt.2017.534

Table 2.

Univariate and multivariate analyses of risk factors affecting the recurrence of primary uveal melanoma

Characteristic No. Median RFS (95% CI, mo) p-value Univariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
HR 95% CI p-value HR 95% CI p-value
Age, median (range, yr)
 < 30 17 163.0 (N/A) 0.929 1
 30-60 141 Not reached 0.83 0.324-2.140 0.703 - - -
 > 60 68 Not reached 0.85 0.293-2.467 0.765 - - -
 Male 109 Not reached 0.062 1.71 0.965-3.043 0.066 - - -
 Female 117 163.0 (N/A) 1
 Choroid 220 163.0 (N/A) 0.452 1
 Ciliary body 6 88.0 (N/A) 1.71 0.414-7.048 0.459 - - -
 Largest basal diameter (mm) (n=223)
  < 15 201 163.0 (N/A) < 0.001 1 1
  ≥ 15 22 25.0 (0.00-61.18) 4.73 2.326-9.598 < 0.001 2.75 1.092-6.904 0.032
 Depth (mm) (n=224)
  < 10 193 163.0 (N/A) < 0.001 1 1
  ≥ 10 31 54.0 (N/A) 3.37 1.804-6.308 < 0.001 3.07 1.266-7.468 0.013
Stage (n=104)
 I 26 Not reached 0.012 1
 II 66 82.0 (48.40-115.60) 8.44 1.134-62.787 0.037 - - -
 III 12 25.0 (N/A) 15.04 1.752-129.043 0.013 - - -
Total 226 163.0 (N/A)

RFS, recurrence-free survival (time from the initial diagnosis of uveal melanoma to distant recurrence); CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; N/A, not available.