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. 2018 Oct 18;11(10):1691–1697. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2018.10.18

Table 2. Demographic finding between short break up time.

Variables TBUT<blinking interval Unstable tear group TBUT>blinking interval Stable tear group Total P
Number 680 (79.2) 178 (20.7) 858
Age (y)
 20-29 38 (5.6) 20 (11.2) 58 (6.8) <0.001a
 30-39 140 (20.6) 56 (31.5) 196 (22.8)
 40-49 292 (42.9) 73 (41.0) 365 (42.5)
 50-59 193 (28.4) 28 (15.7) 221 (25.8)
 60-69 17 (2.5) 1 (0.6) 18 (2.1)
 M 537 (79.0) 118 (66.3) 655 (76.3) 0.001b
 F 143 (21.0) 60 (33.7) 203 (23.7)
VDT use (h)
 0-4 19 (2.8) 0 (0) 19 (2.2) 0.009a
 4-8 294 (43.2) 64 (36.0) 358 (41.7)
 ≥8 367 (54.0) 114 (64.0) 481 (56.1)
Current history of certain common systemic diseases
 Hypertension 55 (8.1) 9 (5.1) 64 (7.5) 0.201b
 Diabetes mellitus 12 (1.8) 2 (1.1) 14 (1.6) 0.746b
 No 263 (38.7) 64 (36.0) 327 (38.1) 0.544b
 Yes 417 (61.3) 114 (64.0) 531 (61.9)
Dry eye symptom
 Frequency 2.6±2.6 2.9±2.8 2.6±2.6 0.184c
 Intensity 0.9±1.8 1.1±2.2 0.9±1.9 0.130c
 Schirmer value (mm) 17.5±11.6 21.1±11.5 18.3±11.7 <0.001c
 TBUT (s) 3.7±2.6 5.7±2.7 4.1±2.8 <0.001c
 Blinking count 7.6±7.0 22.7±9.8 10.7±9.8 <0.001c
 Eye opening time (s) 21.9±21.9 3.35±1.95 18.0±20.9 <0.001c
Epithelial staining (points)
 0-2 612 (90.0) 151 (84.8) 763 (88.9) 0.081c
 3-6 68 (10.0) 26 (14.6) 94 (11.0)
 7-9 0 (0) 1 (0.6) 1 (0.1)
 Mean±SD 0.8±1.2 1.0±1.5 0.9±1.3

TBUT: Tear film break up time; VDT: Visual display terminal. aU-test, bFishers exact test, ct-test.

mean±SD, n (%)