Figure 5.
SREBP target genes are downregulated upon imatinib treatment, while PPARγ-phosphorylation seems to be a secondary phenomenon. (a) Fold change gene expression of SREBP target genes in M1-stimulated peritoneal macrophages treated with or without imatinib (IM) in vitro (n = 9). (b,c) Fold change gene expression of SREBP target genes in peritoneal cells after one and three months of imatinib treatment (n = 4–7). (d,e) Fold change gene expression of SREBP target genes in whole liver tissue after one and three months of imatinib (n = 5–9). (f) Fold change gene expression of PPARγ-phosphorylation-regulated genes in obese mice treated with imatinib (HFD + IM) compared with water-treated controls (HFD) after one (left) and three months of imatinib treatment (right; n = 5–10). AT: adipose tissue, HFD: High fat diet, IM: imatinib, mos: months, PC: peritoneal cells, PM: peritoneal macrophages. Data expressed as mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.