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. 2018 Oct 17;8:15308. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33616-3

Table 1.

MNI coordinates for areas that show significant differences for positive probes between individuals in the high- and low-interference groups.

Anatomical localization BA x y z mm3 t
High interference group > low interference group
R Midbrain 4 −30 −12 3576 5.42
  L Midbrain (SN/VTA) −6 16 −4 5.18
  L MTL/Hippocampus −16 −26 −6 4.18
L IFG 44/45 −38 18 14 2048 5.33
  L anterior insula −34 16 −8 4.10
R posterior insula 28 −20 14 856 5.25
  R thalamus 20 −20 6 4.03
L Parietal cortex 40 −26 −58 38 2528 5.18
L IFG 44/45 −54 14 10 840 4.94
L SMA/ACC 32 −8 16 48 720 4.86
  L SMA 6 −2 10 56 3.56
Cerebellum 0 −56 −32 1496 4.74
R Striatum (GP/putamen) 20 4 −6 456 4.36
R Precentral gyrus 6 48 −4 26 832 4.31
L Paracentral lobule 6 −16 −24 64 672 4.18
Low interference group > high interference group
L posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus 31 −6 −66 18 520 3.74
Medial prefrontal cortex 10/32 0 38 4 712 3.68

x, y, and z are stereotactic coordinates. All reported regions survived an uncorrected threshold of P < 0.001 (FWE cluster corrected at P < 0.05). ACC = anterior cingulate cortex, BA = Brodmann’s area, GP = globus pallidus, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus, L = left, MTL = medial temporal lobe, R = right, SMA = supplementary motor area, SN = substantia nigra, VTA = ventral tegmental area.