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. 2018 Oct 17;8:15308. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33616-3

Table 2.

MNI coordinates for areas that show significant differences for non-recent negative probes between individuals in the high- and low-interference groups.

Anatomical localization BA x y z mm3 t
High interference group > low interference group
R Putamen 22 −2 −2 1326 4.60
R Supplementary motor area 6 12 −28 56 1168 4.19
  R Supplementary motor area 6 −4 −18 54 4.12
R Putamen 24 20 2 576 4.10
L Putamen −18 16 −4 464 4.01
L Thalamus −16 −18 6 1416 3.80
L Insula/IFG 44/45 −36 16 10 1304 3.74
L IFG 44 −54 0 26 400 3.61
R Precentral gyrus 6 30 −10 38 432 3.54
L Middle occipital gyrus 7 −24 −58 40 624 3.38

x, y, and z are stereotactic coordinates. All reported regions survived an uncorrected threshold of P < 0.001 (FWE cluster corrected at P < 0.05). BA = Brodmann’s area, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus, L = left, R = right.