Figure 7.
Functional enrichment analysis of autoantibody targets reveals functions that could be affected by AAbs or that are affected by other injury-related processes and are being sensed by AAbs. Biological Function Gene Ontology terms associated to AAb targets are functionally organized into a network structure. Only significant terms after hypergeometric test followed by Benjamini-Hochberg multiple comparison correction are shown. Most significant terms of each functional group are highlighted. Six functional clusters may be established (A–E): (A) a cluster formed by terms coupled to intermediate filaments-related functions, including proliferation and autophagy; (B) a cluster related to the control of oxygen radicals and oxygen transport, that is functionally related to a subcluster comprising CAH2 (carbonic anhydrase 2) functions, including bone remodeling; (C) a cluster including terms related to energetic metabolism, comprising glycolysis and NAD and ATP biosynthesis; (D) functions related to albumin; (E) functions related to PPIA (also known as cyclophilin A) that are involved in control of viral latency; (F) glutamate biosynthesis.