Extended data 4: Differentiation of PSCs, PP1, PP2 cells when transplanted into kidney capsule of secondary hosts and FACS analysis of CTSK-mGFP calvarial cells.
a, CTSK-mGFP positive PSCs (green) were immunostained for Thy1.2 (magenta, top panel), 6C3 (magenta, middle panel) and CD105 (magenta, bottom panels) 3 weeks after transplantation into the kidney capsule of primary recipients. b, CTSK-mGFP positive PP1 cells (green) were immunostained for 6C3 (magenta, top panel) and CD105 (magenta, bottom panels) 3 weeks after transplantation into the kidney capsule. c, CTSK-mGFP positive PP2s (green) were immunostained for Thy1.2 (magenta, top panel), and CD105 (magenta, bottom panels) 3 weeks after transplantation into the kidney capsule. Nuclei were stained with DAPI, Tomato red (red). Scale bar 50 μm. a-c, Representative images from 3 independent experiments.
d-e, FACS analysis of PSCs, PP1s and PP2s at P15 in mouse calvarial suture (d) and calvarial periosteum (e). f-g, FACS for THY in CTSK-mGFP cells isolated from calvarial suture (f i, g i) and calvarial periosteum (f ii, g ii) at day 15 (left plots) and day 32 (right plots). d-g, Representative FACS plots from 3 independent experiments.
h, CD146 and SCA1 expression in CTSK-mGFP cells from the suture (i, ii) and periosteum (iii, iv) of P6 mouse calvarium. Representative FACS plots from 10 independent experiments.
i-j, FACS for CD146 (i i, j i) and SCA1 (i ii, j ii) in calvarial periosteum of mice at day15 (top plots) and day 32 (bottom plots). Representative FACS plots from 3 independent experiments.