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. 2018 Oct 18;13(10):e0206076. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206076

Table 2. Exploratory factor analyses item loadings (Varimax rotation) (N Training = 824).

No. Item Factor1
Show approval
Factor 3
Gain attention
Factor 4
1. To show that I saw the tweet
2. To make more people see the tweet
3. To Spread knowledge
4. To entertain 0.88
5. To share a funny joke 0.90
6. To make my own twitter feed look good
7. To add my thoughts to a tweet 0.70
8. To get my followers to join the discussion
9. To say that I agree with the tweet
10. To argue against a tweet that I disagree with 0.72
11. To introduce my followers to the tweeter 0.70
12. To show my support for the tweeter 0.77
13. To show my followers that I like the tweeter 0.73
14. To show my followers how I feel about an issue
15. To tell my followers about an event
16. To gain new followers 0.74
17. To get someone's attentions 0.71
18. To save tweets so I can find them again
19. Because I trust the tweeter

Exploratory Factory Analysis resulted in 4 interpretable factors. Colored cells indicate factor loadings ≥ 0.7 for the corresponding items (Column 1).