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. 2018 Oct 18;9(11):1065. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-1104-x

Table 2.

Correlation between SATB-1 and SDF-1 expression and clinicopathological characterics of PDAC patients

Characteristics N of cases SATB-1 level SDF-1 level
H L P value H L P valuea
Total cases 243 172 71 141 102
  Male 142 101 41 0.889 80 62 0.528
  Female 101 71 30 61 40
   < 60 104 76 28 0.496 61 43 0.864
  ≥ 60 139 96 43 80 59
  Poor 68 58 10 0.008** 46 22 0.158
  Moderate 118 78 40 65 53
  Well 57 36 21 30 27
T stage
  T1 4 2 2 0.003** 2 2 0.303
  T2 28 15 13 14 14
  T3 176 122 54 100 76
  T4 35 32 3 25 10
TNM stage (AJCC)b
  I 17 10 7 0.025* 10 9 0.057
  II 130 88 57 72 58
  III 62 46 14 32 28
  IV 34 28 6 27 7
Lymph node metastasis
  Positive 147 119 28 0.000** 99 48 0.000**
  Negative 96 53 43 42 54

aChi-square test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01

bAmerican Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), patients were staged in accordance with the 7th Edition of the AJCC Cancer’s’ TNM Classification; N of cases number of cases, T stage tumor stage; TNM tumor node metastasis, H high, L low