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. 2018 Oct 18;8:15461. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33627-0

Table 1.

Least square means (SEM) for serum IgG concentrations (mg/mL) from birth (d 0) to 168 h hours (h) for the calf progenies of H, CL and LF cows.

0 h 12 h 24 h 48 h 72 h 168 h SE T S T × S
H 0.64a 14.34b,x 13.59b,x 14.47b,x 13.47b,x 9.01b,x 1.51 0.04 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
CL 0.01a 14.34b 18.34b,x 17.19b 15.93b 14.35b,z 1.61
LF 0.01a 19.34b,y 24.91 b,y 22.31b,y 19.57b,y 17.75b,y 1.61

T; Treatment, S (sampling time); H = Holstein; CL = Charolais × Limousin (n = 7), LF = Limousin × Friesian (n = 7); a,bWithin rows, Lsmeans differ from d 0 by P < 0.05. x,y,zWithin columns Lsmeans differ across breed by P < 0.05.