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. 2018 Oct 12;9:1951. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01951

Table 4.

Description of the four dimensions of the TCI Reduced Test (TR-TCI).

OPTIMISM (OTT) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.66
No. of item Those who respond positively to these ITEMS are optimistic about future events and situations that worry most people, have a strong belief in their abilities and a tendency to make rapid decisions
1 (2) I trust that everything will be all right, even in situations that worry most people
2 (65) Regardless of the problems I face, I think everything will be fine
3 (80) I would feel relaxed meeting strangers, even unfriendly ones
4 (142) I feel confident and confident in all social situations
5 (147) I get tired less than most people
6 (164) I do not worry that something bad will happen in the future
CLOSENESS TO EXPERIENCE (CE) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.80
No. of item Subjects who respond positively to these ITEMS tend to reject new stimuli and have lived anxious and pessimistic anticipations in relation to unusual activities. They do not actively seek gratification, and prefer monotonous and habitual lifestyles.
1 (12) I feel tense and worried in unusual situations, even when others think that there is nothing to worry about
2 (20) I often interrupt my activities because I worry that they could go wrong
3 (22) I get tired more quickly than others
4 (35) I find it difficult to keep the same interests for long, because my focus shifts to something else
5 (43) I recover more slowly than others from small ailments or stress
6 (63) I need to rest often because I get tired easily
7 (92) I need rest and support to recover from small illness or stress
8 (113) It’s hard to adapt to changes because it makes me tense, tired or worried
9 (129) I feel tense and worried, even in situations where others think there are no dangers
10 (144) I hate to change my way of doing things, even when there is a better one
11 (149) I often stop doing something because I start to worry about making mistakes, despite the reassurances
12 (217) I feel tense and worried if I have to do something new
13 (225) Things go wrong if I’m not very careful
TENDENCE TO LIABILITIES (TL) – Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84
No. of item Those who respond positively to these items perceive themselves as incapable of modifying the world around them and are convinced that their existence has little value for others
1 (4) I feel a victim of the circumstances
2 (9) I feel that my life has little meaning
3 (39) I have bad habits that I would like to change
4 (40) I wait for someone else to provide a solution to my problems
5 (86) Others control me too much
6 (104) I do not appreciate all the faults I have
7 (106) I cannot solve my problems because I do not know what to do
8 (126) I do not have a clear idea of the ultimate goal of my life
9 (162) My habits make it difficult to complete important goals
10 (169) My actions are determined by influences from my control
11 (176) My brain does not work well
12 (184) I need to apply a lot to get good habits
13 (197) People have more resources than I have
14 (221) My will is too weak to win strong temptations even though I know I will suffer as a result
SUPERIORITY FANTASY (FS) – Cronbach’s alpha = 0.76
No. of item Subjects who respond positively to these items want to be superior to others and tend not to accept the diversity of others and the passage of time
1 (16) I do not like people with different ideas than mine
2 (32) I’d like to be smarter than anyone
3 (48) I have no patience with those who do not accept my points of view
4 (60) I would like to be stronger than anyone
5 (74) I would like to be young forever
6 (107) I would like to be able to stop the flow of time
7 (122) It is difficult to bear people different from me
8 (146) I like to imagine my enemies suffer
9 (150) I would like to be more powerful than anyone
10 (229) I’d like to look better than anyone
11 (234) Those who are dealing with me must learn to do things in my way
The numbers of the TCI items are shown in brackets Internal reliability among dimensions (FS, TL, OTT, CE) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.75