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. 2018 Oct 19;4(4):00084-2018. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00084-2018


Risk factors associated with discontinuation of pirfenidone due to an adverse drug reaction (ADR)# in the overall population

Predictor of early discontinuation Comparison OR (95% CI) p-value
At 6 months
 Age Continuous 1.06 (1.03–1.08) <0.0001
 Female sex Yes versus no 1.59 (1.06–2.33) 0.0228
 Steroid use prior to study Yes versus no 1.64 (1.10–2.43) 0.0148
At 12 months
 Age Continuous 1.06 (1.04–1.08) <0.0001
 Female sex Yes versus no 1.52 (1.04–2.17) 0.0288
 Steroid use prior to study Yes versus no 1.48 (1.02–2.17) 0.0406
 Underlying pulmonary disease+ Yes versus no 0.72 (0.50–1.03) 0.0748
During entire study
 Age Continuous 1.03 (1.01–1.05) 0.0009
 Female sex Yes versus no 1.54 (1.08–2.22) 0.0193
 BMI Continuous 0.96 (0.92–0.99) 0.0127
 UK patients Yes versus no 1.65 (1.14–2.39) 0.0081
 Current alcohol use Yes versus no 0.73 (0.53–1.01) 0.0555
 Years since IPF diagnosis Continuous 1.04 (0.99–1.09) 0.1245
 Ex-/current smoker Yes versus no 1.30 (0.94–1.79) 0.1111

BMI: body mass index; IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; FVC: forced vital capacity. #: an ADR was defined as any safety event with a possible causal relationship to pirfenidone (the treating physician (investigator) made a clinical judgement to decide if the ADR was related to pirfenidone); : following analysis of early discontinuation due to an ADR, the following baseline variables were included in the stepwise logistic regression model-building process: age, sex, BMI, smoking/alcohol status, steroid/azathioprine exposure, UK patient, alanine aminotransferase, FVC, years since IPF diagnosis, FVC % pred <50% and other pulmonary/hepatic/cardiovascular disease; +: other than IPF.