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. 2017 Jun 26;57(2):93–111. doi: 10.5334/pb.372

Table 1.

Results of the principal component analysis based on the children’s reports.

Interaction restrictions Monitoring SN use Access restrictions Superv./co-use Technical mediation Interpret. mediation

Parents log in to profile to read messages .051 .820 –.029 –.084 –.020 –.012
Parents check SN page –.026 .654 .080 .168 –.005 –.021
Parents check contacts on SN –.004 .879 .013 –.050 .034 .062
Parents watch when using the I .019 .228 .073 .673 .034 –.052
Parents help when using the I .064 .038 –.273 .694 .116 .147
Parents are around when using the I .018 –.170 .180 .745 –.096 –.045
Software to limit I access (time) .092 –.029 –.049 –.040 .836 –.125
Parents use software to block websites –.117 .025 .118 .049 .808 .112
Discussed not everything online is true .046 –.027 .014 –.015 .018 .832
Discussed potential dangers of the I .003 .045 .057 .011 –.047 .807
Rules – the time you can spend online .217 .107 .608 –.024 .097 –.026
Rules – times of the day you can be online –.001 –.113 .698 .014 .037 .143
Rules – the use of the I in the bedroom –.011 .134 .784 .031 –.020 –.010
Rules – the pictures you can post .789 –.033 .050 .017 .044 –.028
Rules – the information you can share .731 –.022 .097 .064 .075 .019
Rules – with whom you can chat .781 .009 .031 .018 –.100 –.011
Rules – who you can add to SN .827 .050 –.103 –.042 –.012 .078

Explained variance (R2) 22.95% 10.55% 8.47% 7.63% 7.43% 6.73%

SN = social network; I = internet; Superv. = supervision; Interpret. = interpretative.