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. 2018 Oct 15;5:2054358118804838. doi: 10.1177/2054358118804838

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of the Southern Alberta Cohort Hospitalized With Heart Failure, According to Kidney Function at Time of Discharge.

Baseline characteristics eGFR ⩾ 90 (N = 141) 60 < eGFR < 90 (N = 468) 45 < eGFR < 60 (N = 329) 30 < eGFR < 45 (N = 254) eGFR < 30 (N = 212) P value Overall (N = 1404)
Sex (N(%), male) 94 (66.67) 319 (68.16) 205 (62.31) 146 (57.48) 123 (58.02) .019 887 (63.18)
Median age (IQR) 58.53 (50.34, 64.46) 68.34 (59.89, 77.85) 75.15 (67.39, 82.01) 79.57 (72.14, 84.07) 76 .91 (67.88, 82.81) <.0001 72.86 (62.56, 80.72)
eGFR (median, IQR) 97.97 (93.67, 105.04) 72.64 (65.98, 81.53) 52.53 (49.22, 55.92) 38.40 (34.59, 41.67) 21.96 (15.72, 26.63) <.0001 55.35 (39.26, 74.21)
Diabetes (N(%) 44 (31.21) 131 (27.99) 118 (35.87) 115 (45.28) 124 (58.49) <.0001 532 (37.89)
Hypertension 68 (48.23) 280 (59.83) 233 (70.82) 176 (69.29) 181 (85.38) <.0001 938 (66.81)
Death during follow-up 34 (24.11) 140 (29.91) 140 (42.55) 146 (57.48) 132 (62.26) <.0001 592 (42.17)
Blood pressure (mean, SD) (mmHG) 1.63 (1.49, 1.80) 1.63 (1.48, 1.85) 1.75 (1.57, 2.00) 1.78 (1.61, 2.05) 1.83 (1.56, 2.11) 1.71 (1.51, 1.96)
Heart rate (mean, SD) (beats/min) 96 (76, 113) 91 (74, 110) 84 (69, 100) 79 (68, 96) 77 (65.0) <.0001 89.27 (25.93)
Hyperlipidemia 79 (56.03) 256 (54.70) 185 (56.23) 151 (59.45) 149 (70.28) .003 820 (58.40)
BMI (Mean, SD) 28.96 (24.30, 35.99) 28.40 (24.90, 32.98) 28.41 (25.39, 33.91) 27.41 (23.50, 31.65) 27.68 (24.49, 32.46) .11 30.05 (13.90)
Liver disease 5 (3.55) 7 (1.50) 9 (2.74) 1 (0.39) 7 (3.30) .09 29 (2.07)
GI disease 4 (2.84) 38 (8.12) 34 (10.33) 36 (14.17) 34 (16.04) .0002 146 (10.40)
Smoking <.001
 Unknown 25 (17.73) 116 (24.79) 99 (30.09) 58 (22.83) 42 (19.81) 340 (24.22)
 Never 36 (25.53) 93 (19.87) 73 (22.19) 79 (31.10) 67 (31.60) 348 (24.79)
 Current 42 (29.79) 91 (19.44) 35 (10.64) 24 (9.45) 23 (10.85) 215 (15.31)
 Former 38 (26.95) 168 (35.90) 122 (37.08) 93 (36.61) 80 (37.74) 501 (35.68)
Prior Infarction 28 (10.04) 111 (23.72) 91 (27.66) 104 (40.94) 88 (41.51) <.0001 422 (30.06)
Prior PCI 20 (14.18) 73 (15.60) 58 (17.63) 72 (28.35) 65 (30.66) <.0001 288 (20.51)
Prior CABG 12 (8.51) 68 (14.53) 64 (19.45) 58 (22/83) 50 (22.58) .0003 252 (17.95)
Peripheral Vascular 2 (1.42) 23 (4.91) 25 (7.60) 16 (6.30) 23 (10.85) .004 89 (6.34)
Cerebrovascular 4 (2.84) 43 (9.19) 33 (10.03) 32 (12.60) 32 (15.09) .003 144 (10.26)
Malignancy 9 (6.38) 23 (4.91) 16 (4.86) 23 (9.06) 13 (6.13) .019 84 (5.98)
Psychiatric history 8 (5.67) 12 (2.56) 12 (3.65) 9 (3.54) 10 (4.72) .417 51 (3.63)
History of alcoholism 17 (12.06) 36 (7.69) 12 (3.65) 3 (1.18) 11 (5.19) <.0001 79 (5.63

Note. eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; BMI = body mass index; IQR = interquartile range; CABG = Coronary artery bypass grafting; GI = gastrointestinal; PCI = Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.