A. Correlation of chromatin accessibility of 9 primary tumors and 7 liver metastases from CGRP TKO mice. Replicate samples from the same tumors have the same name. Metastases from the same mice (indicated with brackets) correlate most closely with one another.
B. Differential accessibility between CGRP primary tumors and metastases. Log2 fold change in reads per peak between groups plotted against the mean number of reads per peak is shown. Number of regions that have significant accessibility changes (FDR < 0.1, |log2fold change| > 0) is indicated. Color of each point represents the false discovery rate (FDR) that the absolute value of the log2 fold change was greater than 0.
C. Correlation of chromatin accessibility between primary tumors and metastases from CMV TKO and CGRP TKO mice.
D. DNA copy number analysis at the Nfib locus on Chromosome 4 in CMV TKO and CGRP TKO primary tumors and metastases. Heatmap shows copy number variation (CNV) at the Nfib locus. none = CNV < 1, low= CNV >1 and CNV <1.5, high = CNV >1.5.
E. Summary of the chromatin accessibility changes during metastatic progression of CMV TKO and CGRP TKO tumors. Numbers of peaks with changed accessibility are listed (|lfc|>0 at FDR<0.1, no peak changed < 2 fold), numbers in parentheses give the number of peaks that change in accessibility (|lfc|>0.5 at FDR<0.1, no peak changed < 2 fold).