Figure 6. Sampling and tracking errors.
Synaptic drive was trained to learn 1 s long trajectories generated from OU noise with decay time . (a) Performance of networks of size as a function of synaptic decay time and target decay time . (b) Examples of trained networks whose responses show sampling error, tracking error, and successful learning. The target trajectories are identical and ms. (c) Inverted ‘U’-shaped curve as a function of synaptic decay time. Error bars show the s.d. of five trained networks of size . (d) Inverted ‘U’-shaped curve for networks of sizes and for ms. (e) Network performance shown as a function of where the range of is from 30 ms to 500 ms and the range of is from 1ms to 500ms and . (f) Network performance shown as a function of where the range of is from 1 ms to 30 ms, the range of is from 500 to 1000 and ms.