Figure 7.
Time memory and mPer2 rhythms in the DS. (A) Response of Per2 mRNA in the DS (cf. Fig. 4B, DS, Per2) [bp < 0.05 significant change following conditioning at ZT11; *p < 0.05 phase dependent difference between ZT03 and ZT11 #p < 0.001 significant change in phase dependent gene expression following conditioning at ZT11]. (B) Scatter plots of samples from individual mice. X- axis: Per2 abundance (OD) relative to (1) GADPH or (2) B2M. Y-axis: Context preference was calculated as total dwell time in unpaired (safe) minus paired (foot shock) contexts. Data shown in B1 are the same as in Panel A. Marker color indicates test time: Red = ZT03, Black = ZT11. Positive values indicate comparative preference for the safe chamber. Group statistical comparison are shown in Panel A. (C) Suggested Per2 phase shifts based on the model presented in Fig. 1. ∆φ = +1.0 hr for conditioning at ZT03, and +9 to +10 hours for conditioning at ZT11. Both are estimated phase shifts required to account for differences in gene expression following conditioning. Eight-hour difference in estimated phases following the shift account for the temporal difference in conditioning times.