Figure 2.
Determination of the ROIs to evaluate the magnitude of artifacts. (a) One line was determined in the center of implant image following the long axis of the mandible body. Four additional lines at angles of 65°, 90°, 115° and 140° in relation to the first were drawn passing through the central region of the implant. From this centered point, three semi-circles were drawn with radii of 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 cm. (b) On the intersection of circles and lines, 11 square ROIs of 2.8 × 2.8 mm were established over three distance levels and four angles in relation to the implant region. (c) Final location of the ROIs and the additional CR were placed on the ERBS block. CR, control ROI; ERBS, resin-based tissue substitute; ROIs, regions of interest.