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. 2018 Oct 15;9:1955. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01955

Table 5.

Summary of hierarchical regression analysis for variables predicting generalized trust (Study 2).

Predictor Model 1
Model 2
β CI (95%) p β CI (95%) p
Step 1
   Gendera -0.042 [-0.162, 0.039] 0.230 -0.053 [-0.179, 0.022] 0.126
   Age 0.114 [0.023, 0.128] 0.005 0.113 [0.022, 0.127] 0.005
   Marital statusb 0.030 [-0.077, 0.166] 0.471 0.014 [-0.100, 0.142] 0.735
   Political orientation -0.066 [-0.094, 0.006] 0.086 -0.072 [-0.098, 0.002] 0.059
   Religiosity 0.067 [-0.006, 0.095] 0.083 0.064 [-0.008, 0.092] 0.100
   SES 0.164 [0.037, 0.096] <0.001 0.140 [0.027, 0.087] <0.001
   Employment statusc -0.013 [-0.122, 0.084] 0.720 0.020 [-0.078, 0.134] 0.607
   Step 2
   Perceived impact EC -0.131 [-0.135, -0.038] <0.001
   R2 0.046 0.061
   Adjusted R2 0.038 0.051
   F 5.501*** 6.427***
   ΔR2 0.015
   ΔF 12.358***

SES, socioeconomic status; EC, economic crisis. aWoman = 0, Man = 1; bUnmarried = 0, Married = 1. cNot unemployed = 0, Unemployed = 1. p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.