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. 2018 Oct 15;9:1955. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01955

Table 6.

Summary of hierarchical regression analysis for variables predicting interpersonal trust (Study 2).

Predictor Model 1
Model 2
β CI (95%) p β CI (95%) p
Step 1
   Gendera 0.067 [-0.004, 0.226] 0.058 0.076 [0.011, 0.241] 0.032
   Age -0.134 [-0.159, -0.040] 0.001 -0.133 [-0.158, -0.039] 0.001
   Marital statusb 0.099 [0.029, 0.306] 0.018 0.111 [0.050, 0.327] 0.008
   Political orientation 0.044 [-0.024, 0.090] 0.256 0.049 [-0.020, 0.093] 0.208
   Religiosity 0.007 [-0.052, 0.063] 0.850 0.010 [-0.050, 0.065] 0.790
   SES -0.015 [-0.041, 0.027] 0.693 0.004 [-0.032, 0.036] 0.918
   Employment statusc 0.058 [-0.025, 0.211] 0.122 0.032 [-0.069, 0.173] 0.403
   Step 2
   Perceived impact EC 0.103 [0.022, 0.132] 0.007
   R2 0.023 0.032
   Adjusted R2 0.015 0.022
   F 2.686** 3.300**
   ΔR2 0.009
   ΔF 7.440**

SES, socioeconomic status; EC, economic crisis. aWoman = 0, Man = 1; bUnmarried = 0, Married = 1. cNot unemployed = 0, Unemployed = 1. p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.