Fig. 2.
Loss of Hrb27C fucntion suppresses Yki activity. (A–Q) Confocal images of wing imaginal discs from third instar larvae expressing GFP (green or gray) in a stripe of cells along the anterior-posterior compartment boundary driven by dpp-Gal4 (A and B) or ptc-Gal4 (J–O), or in the posterior compartment driven by hh-Gal4 (C–I, P, and Q). In addition, discs expressed Hrb27C-RNAi (A, B, D, G, I, K, M, O, Q), Hrb27C-FLAG (E), and aPKCζ* and Hrb27C-RNAi (B). Discs were stained for β-galactosidase to detect ex-lacZ (ExZ), diap1-lacZ (diap1Z), myc-lacZ (MycZ), or Dll-lacZ (DllZ) expression, and Cut, Wg, or Cubitus interruptus (Ci), as indicated (red or gray). (R) Firefly luciferase expression levels of S2 cells transiently expressing Yki-Gal4DBD or Sc-Gal4DBD together with UAS-luc. Firefly expression levels were normalized against a constitutive Renilla luciferase. Cells were transfected with dsRNAs targeting GFP, Hrb27C, wts, or Spase25.