Fig. 1.
Characterization of serotonin and serotonin receptors in the mosquito A. aegypti. (A) Blood feeding elevates the amount of serotonin in the periphery but not the head of female mosquitoes. (B) Phylogenetic tree, branch lengths and bootstrap values of serotonin receptors of D. melanogaster and A. aegypti. The numbers above the branches represent the bootstrap values for each branch (2,000 replications, significantly support for the related sequences common to a node). Branch lengths are scaled (shown by the numbers below the branches) and indicate the number of substitutions per site. (Scale bar indicates 0.2 units of branch length.) (C) The relative expression (RE) of serotonin receptor Aa5HT2B is greater in blood-fed (BF, 24-h PBM) than in sugar-fed (SF) mosquitoes. Whole bodies were used for tests. (D) Relative expression of Aa5HT2A and Aa5HT2B in the head (HD), fat-body (FB), ovaries (OV), gut and Malpighian tubules (MT) in WT female mosquitoes at 24-h PBM. Data represent three biological replicates (10 individuals in each replication for quantitative real-time PCR; 30 individuals in each replication for 5-HT determination) with three technical replicates and are shown as mean ± SEM. ***P < 0.001.