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. 2018 Jan 18;24(2):387–393. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izx004

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Population (N = 1,202)

Characteristics N Percent *
Age (years) (mean, IQR) 1202 43 (31–55)
Type of IBD
 Crohn’s disease 771 64.1
 Ulcerative colitis 405 33.7
 Indeterminate colitis 27 2.2
Duration of disease (years) (median, IQR) 1198 11 (5–21)
BMI (median) 1185 24.4 (21.3–28.7)
Ostomy (% yes) 82 6.8
 High school or less 93 8.2
 College + 1039 91.8
Smoking (ever) 446 37.1
Disease activity
 sCDAI 688 121 (72–187.5)
 SCCAI 402 3 (1–5)
Quality of life (SIBDQ) (mean, sd) 1188 5.0 (1.1)
Medication adherence
 Low 366 37.3
 Medium 335 34.2
 High 280 28.5
Current medications
 5-ASA (oral) a 496 41.3
 5-ASA (rectal) a 103 8.6
 Biologic anti-TNF b 411 34.2
 Thiopurine 272 22.9
 Methotrexate 3 3.6
 Corticosteroids (oral) 112 9.4
 Corticosteroids (rectal) 71 5.9
 Entocort 49 4.0
Gynecologist/Hormonal History
 Age at menstruation (mean, sd) 1184 12.9 (3.3)
 Age at menopause (among those in menopause) (mean) 458 46.4 (8.1)
 Currently taking supplements (black cohosh, soy, etc) for menopausal symptoms (among those in menopause) 40 8.7
 Currently taking HRT for menopausal symptoms (among those in menopause) 93 20.2
Hormonal contraceptives (ever use, % yes)
 Birth control pills 613 51.0
 Hormone injection 44 3.7
 Hormone patch 35 2.9
 Hormone ring 64 5.3
 Hormone IUD c 45 3.7
 Other hormonal contraception 10 0.8
 Never taken hormonal contraception 96 8.0
Pregnancy (% ever) 674 56.3
Pregnancy after IBD diagnosis 315 26.2
Times pregnant after IBD diagnosis 315 2 (1–2), range 1–6
Age at first pregnancy after IBD diagnosis 272 29 (26–32)
Breastfeeding among those with pregnancy (% yes) 197 73.0

unless otherwise stated.


ASA: acetylsalicylic acid.


Anti-TNF: anti-tumor necrosis factor.


IUD: intrauterine device.