Figure 3.
Effect of miR-26a overexpression in stable HepG2 cells on (a) total triglycerides and (b) total cholesterol. CN treated: scrambled miR transduced stable cells treated with FFA and transient transfection of control miR; miR-26a treated: miR-26a transduced stable cells treated with FFA and transient transfection of control miR; miR-26a IN treated: miR-26a transduced stable cells treated with FFA and transient transfection of miR-26a inhibitor; CN nontreated: scrambled miR transduced stable cells with transient transfection of control miR but without FFA treatment; miR-26a nontreated: miR-26a transduced stable cells with transient transfection of control miR but without FFA treatment. Data were collected after 24 h treatment. Results shown are the mean ± SD (∗∗∗∗P < 0.0001).