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. 2018 Oct 17;8(10):e019453. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019453

Table 3.

Results of hierarchical multiple regression relating physical health and mental health to symptom severity and BMI

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model summary
β t β t β t F R2 ΔF ΔR2
Physical health
 Age −0.081 −1.093 −0.116 −1.688 −0.141 −2.063* 2.252* 0.052*
 Gender −0.061 −1.052 −0.050 −0.937 −0.033 −0.611
 Single and Marr† −0.020 −0.263 0.003 0.048 −0.030 −0.439
 Divo† and Marr† −0.043 −0.697 −0.035 −0.609 −0.035 −0.621
 Education 0.174 2.913** 0.150 2.725** 0.130 2.404*
 IBS-C and IBS-D 0.032 0.529 0.024 0.438 −0.004 −0.081
 IBS-M and IBS-D 0.048 0.775 0.003 0.049 −0.030 −0.529
 Symptom severity −0.389 −7.246** −0.387 −7.295** 8.007** 0.200** 52.498** 0.147**
 Under† and normal −0.003 −0.060 7.965** 0.237** 4.605** 0.037**
 Over† and normal 0.067 1.193
 Obesity and normal −0.177 −3.170**
Mental health
 Age 0.159 2.106* 0.133 1.834 0.119 1.611 0.854 0.020
 Gender −0.029 −0.499 −0.021 −0.375 −0.006 −0.110
 Single and Marr† 0.052 0.690 0.070 0.958 0.068 0.922
 Divo† and Marr† −0.020 −0.316 −0.014 −0.224 −0.007 −0.117
 Education −0.045 −0.750 −0.064 −1.092 −0.066 −1.133
 IBS-C and IBS-D 0.024 0.381 0.018 0.300 0.009 0.144
 IBS-M and IBS-D 0.022 0.356 −0.012 −0.194 −0.025 −0.408
 Symptom severity −0.294 −5.179** −0.301 −5.263 4.168 0.105** 26.824** 0.084**
 Under† and normal −0.077 −1.307 3.234** 0.112** 0.772 0.007
 Over† and normal 0.017 0.280
 Obesity and normal −0.041 −0.684

Model 1 factors: age, gender, family status, education status, IBS subtypes.

Model 2 factors: age, gender, family status, education status, IBS subtypes, symptom severity.

Model3 factors: age, gender, family status, education status, IBS subtypes, symptom severity, BMI categories.

IBS-U was not included in the analysis, because the sample size is too small.

Normal weight, BMI 18.5–25 kg/m²; obesity, BMI >30 kg/m²; overweight, BMI 25–30 kg/m²; underweight, BMI <18.5 kg/m².

*P<0.05; **P<0.01.

†Marr, married or unmarried cohabitation; Divo, divorced or widowed; Under, underweight; Over, overweight.

BMI, body mass index; IBS-C, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation; IBS-D, IBS with diarrhoea; IBS-M, mixed IBS.