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. 2018 Oct 4;21:299–306. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.006
Subject area Environmental science
More specific subject area Terrestrial ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental monitoring
Type of data Table, figure
How data were acquired LC-MS/MS measurements of daily sampled guttation droplets
Data format Filtered data (means of duplicate measurements; concentrations of metabolites were added to the parent compound concentration, calculated by molecular masses)
Experimental factors 2 maize cultivars, three neonicotinoids, different pesticide formulations and application rates
Experimental features Field test, in two years with different weather conditions, randomized block design, immediate residue analysis
Data source location Experimental field of the Julius Kühn-Institut in Berlin, Germany
Data accessibility The field data set is publicly available at the OpenAgrar repository under
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A. Schmolke, B. Kearns, B. O`Neill: Plant guttation water as a potential route for pesticide exposure in honey bees: a review of recent literature. Apidologie, (2018) online first, access 26.09.2018.