Figure 4.
Quantification of POMC-derived peptides in hPSC-derived neurons and primary human hypothalamus. A) Schematic diagram of standard curve generation for peptide quantification. B) LC-MS/MS-based quantification of d-α-MSH, α-MSH, β-MSH and β-EP peptides in hPSC-derived POMC neurons. N = 5 independent experiments with 3–8 replicates per experiment. Concentrations were converted to molarity and then normalised to the mean concentration of d-α-MSH for each technical replicate. Error bars show SEM. C) Quantification of POMC-derived peptides in primary human brain samples. Note that while α-MSH was clearly detected in PVH Brain 1 Right and Left and MBH Brain 1 Right, the concentration was below the assay's limit of accurate quantification. N = 3 independent samples from N = 2 brains per brain region. PVH, dissected region encompassing the paraventricular hypothalamus; MBH, dissected region encompassing the mediobasal hypothalamus. Error bars show SEM.