Figure 5.
Computational Exploration of the Multi-Dimensional Parameter Space of Microtubule/Motor Networks Reveals Critical Parameters Driving Active Network Organization
(A) Three phase spaces showing the organizational state of the network as a function of microtubule growth speed and motor number at three different numbers of microtubules. Simulation outcomes are classified (Figure S5; STAR Methods) and color-coded (see “Classification key”). Each circle represents one simulation.
(B) Phase spaces in (A) can be collapsed onto a single space by plotting the classified states as a function of growth speed and the number of motors per microtubule. Where simulations are coincident in the collapsed phase space the circle is divided between them.
(C) Three collapsed phase spaces for three different motor and microtubule speed scalings. Speeds are increased by a factor of 3 (middle) and 5 (right).
(D) Phase spaces in (C) can be collapsed onto a single space by plotting the classified states as a function of the ratio of growth speed to motor speed and the number of motors per microtubule. For all simulations see Table S1 for parameter values if not shown.
See also Figure S6.