Fig. 3.
PKM2 deletion in PDAC tumors results in increased PKM1 expression relative to wild-type tumors. a Tissue sections from tumors arising in end-stage KP−/−C Pkm2+/+ and KP−/−C Pkm2flox/flox mice were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and isoform-specific antibodies against PKM2 or PKM1 as shown. Scale bars represent 50 μm for all images at × 20 magnification (top) and 20 μm for all images at × 40 magnification (bottom). b Western blot of tumor lysates from KP−/−C Pkm2+/+ and KP−/−C Pkm2flox/flox mice was performed using isoform-specific antibodies against PKM2 or PKM1 as well as an antibody against vinculin as a control. c PKM2 and PKM1 expression was assessed by qPCR in tumors arising in KP−/−C Pkm2+/+ and KP−/−C Pkm2flox/flox mice