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. 2018 Oct 23;5:180226. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.226

Table 1. Column names, column description and explanation/format or unit for each feature of the lake file.

Column name Description Explanation or format or unit
Lake_ID A code given to each studied lake e.g. TR_BEY_I,
    TR = country code (Turkey),
    BEY = three first letters of lake name (Lake Beysehir),
    I = if more than one lake basins were sampled
Date Date of sample collection YYYY-MM-DD
LakeName Name of lake that is commonly used Name
LabName The name of the laboratory that organized the local sampling Name
Country Geographic location of lake Name
Latitude Latitude coordinate of lake Decimal degrees (WGS84)
Longitude Longitude coordinate of lake Decimal degrees (WGS84)
Altitude_m Elevation of lake surface relative to sea level Metres
MaximumDepth_m Maximum depth of lake Metres
MeanDepth_m Mean depth of lake Metres
SecchiDepth_m Secchi depth reading Metres
SamplingDepth_m Depth of sample collection Metres
  (lower limit of the sampling interval)  
ThermoclineDepth_m Location of the thermocline Metres
    NA signifies a non-stratified lake (no thermocline detected)
SurfaceTemperature_C Lake water temperature at 0.5 m depth Degrees Celsius
EpilimneticTemperature_C Averaged lake water temperature from surface until bottom of the thermocline Degrees Celsius
TP_mgL Concentration of total phosphorus Milligrams per litre
TN_mgL Concentration of total nitrogen Milligrams per litre
NO3NO2_mgL Concentration of nitrates and nitrites (dissolved nutrients) Milligrams per litre
NH4_mgL Concentration of ammonia (dissolved nutrients) Milligrams per litre
PO4_ugL Concentration of ortho-phosphate (dissolved nutrients) Micrograms per litre
Chlorophylla_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll-a Micrograms per litre
Chlorophyllb_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll-b Micrograms per litre
Zeaxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment zeaxanthin Micrograms per litre
Diadinoxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment diadinoxanthin Micrograms per litre
Fucoxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment fucoxanthin Micrograms per litre
Diatoxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment diatoxanthin Micrograms per litre
Alloxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment alloxanthin Micrograms per litre
Peridinin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment peridinin Micrograms per litre
Chlorophyllc2_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll-c2 Micrograms per litre
Echinenone_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment echinenone Micrograms per litre
Lutein_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment lutein Micrograms per litre
Violaxanthin_ugL Concentration of photosynthetic pigment violaxanthin Micrograms per litre
MC_YR.ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin YR Micrograms per litre
MC_dmRR.ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin dmRR Micrograms per litre
MC_RR_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin RR Micrograms per litre
MC_dmLR_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin dmLR Micrograms per litre
MC_LR_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin LR Micrograms per litre
MC_LY_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin LY Micrograms per litre
MC_LW_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin LW Micrograms per litre
MC_LF_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin LF Micrograms per litre
NOD_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin nodularin Micrograms per litre
CYN_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial cytotoxin cylindrospermopsin Micrograms per litre
ATX_ugL Concentration of cyanobacterial neurotoxin anatoxin-a Micrograms per litre