Fig. 16.
Perovskite NW photodetectors: slip coating-based NWs PDs. a Dark and laser-illuminated I–V curves. b Time-resolved photoresponse. EISA method-based device performances. c I–t curves. d High-resolution scan to one cycle of I–t curves. Doctor blading-based NW PDs. e Wavelength-dependent photoresponsivity of the CH3NH3PbI3 MW array-based photodetectors. f Photocurrent versus light intensity curves. g Variation of dark current/photocurrent with day of photodetector based on OTP MW arrays. h Perovskite MW PD arrays for light source mapping. NW web-based PDs for imaging. i–j Flexibility performances. k–m NW network PD arrays for imaging. n, o Encapsulation could help to improve the device stability.
Adapted image reproduced with permission of Ref. [49, 52, 60]