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. 2018 Oct 9;10(4):70. doi: 10.1007/s40820-018-0224-2

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Structural characterization and electrochemical performance analysis of TMD (MoS2) as an electrode material in SIB: a, b HRTEM images of exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets obtained after treatment with a superacid. c Selected area diffraction pattern for the MoS2 nanosheet imaged in Fig. b. d, e SEM images of the top and cross-sectional view of the 60 MoS2 sample (60 wt% MoS2-40 wt% rGO), respectively. e TEM image of SAED pattern (in the inset) of the same 60 MoS2 sample. g Graphical representation of the total interaction potential (VT), repulsion (VDLVO), and attraction energy (VvdW) versus greater sheet separation. h Raman spectra of the MoS2 samples, in bulk (black) and after exfoliation (red) by acid treatment. i XRD spectra of the bulk (black) and exfoliated MoS2 (red) sample, indicating the peak shift and the broadening of the consequent increase in the interlayer distance of the exfoliated sample. j XRD pattern of pristine MoS2-rGO (60 MoS2) electrode (blue) and the same after one discharge cycle (black). Considerable peak broadening is observed due to sodiation. k First discharge graph of the 60 MoS2 electrode, also showing the formation of nanocrsytallites along the process from the TEM images and SAED patterns in the inset. l 1st (black)- and 2nd-cycle (red) GCD curves for the 60 MoS2 sample. m Differential capacity curves for the first two cycles demonstrating the redox voltages. n Charging capacity and Coulombic efficiency values for the different composite and bare rGO sample performed at a current density of 25 mA g−1. o Charge capacity, coulombic efficiency, and rate capability of 60 MoS2 sample [83]. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. Scale bar for d, e is 10 μm and for f is 100 nm. (Color figure online)