Figure 5.
Non‐superpositively charged GFP cargo is not encapsulated. (A) Native gel electrophoresis of wt‐AfFtn mixed with eGFP at varying stoichiometries. “1” = concentration of 0.6 μM. (B) SEC of wt‐AfFtn–eGFP shows no peak corresponding to encapsulation product, indicating that high charge is needed to induce encapsulation (6 μM AfFtn, 12 μM GFP(+36)). (C) SEC of wt‐AfFtn–GFP(−30) shows no peak corresponding to encapsulation product, indicating that charge complementarity between the AfFtn cage interior and the cargo protein is important for encapsulation (6 μM AfFtn, 12 μM GFP(+36)).