Table 2.
Studies estimating risk of lupus and vasculitis-like events in TNFi-treated patients
References | Type of study | Diseases evaluated | Outcome studied | TNFi agent | Events on TNFi (n) | Median time to event (months) | Controls | Estimation of risk |
De Bandt et al. [58] | Case series | RA | LLE | INF, ETA | 22 | INF (9), ETA (4) | None |
Flendrie et al. [59] | Prospective cohort study | RA |
INF, ADAL, ETA | LLE (1), VLE (5) | For all cutaneous events (9) For vasculitis-cutaneous events (12) | RA patients not on biologics |
Lee et al. [60] | Observational clinical study (single centre) | RA, AS, PsA |
Not specified | None | One patient developed leucocytoclastic vasculitis |
Grönhagen et al. [61] | Swedish population case control study (SCLE only) | All | SCLE | Not specified (all) | 4 | 2 months | Swedish general population | OR cases: controls 8.0 (95% CI: 1.6, 37.2) |
Takase et al. [34] | Observational single-centre UK-based study | RA | LLE/VLE | INF, ADAL, ETA |
None | Not formally assessed. 3/454 patients on first TNFi developed LLE (0.7%), 2/454 VLE (0.4%) |
Moulis et al. [53] | French pharmacovigilance study | RA, AS, PsA, IBD | LLE | INF, ADAL, ETA | 39 | 11 | Postive control isoniazid, negative control paracetamol | Association of TNFi and lupus: ROR 7.72 (95% CI: 5.50, 10.83) using disproportionality analysis |
Jani et al. [55] | Prospective observational study | RA | LLE/VLE | INF, ADAL, ETA, CERT |
nbDMARD-treated cohort |
ADAL, adalimumab; CERT, certolizumab pegol; ETA, etanercept; HR, hazard ratio; LLE, lupus-like event; nbDMARD, non-biologic DMARD; OR, odds ratio; ROR, reporting odds ratio; VLE, vasculitis-like events.