Fig. 1.
Growth curves of EDL933 RifR incubated in bovine digestive contents. (a) Unfiltered DCs; (b) Filtered DCs. CFU enumeration at each time point is the mean of at least three independent experiments. The presented values are the log10 mean number of CFU mL-1 ± the standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical analyses were performed using the two-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni post-hoc test. In unfiltered DCs, growth yield in small intestine content was significantly different from that in the other DCs (p < 0.001); growth yield in caecum, colon and rectum contents was significantly different from that in rumen and small intestine contents (p < 0.001). In filtered DCs, growth yield in all DCs was significantly different from that in rumen content (p < 0.001); growth yield in small intestine content was significantly different from that in caecum and colon contents (p < 0.001); growth yield in rectum content was significantly different from that in caecum and colon contents (p < 0.05)