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. 2018 Oct 23;16:16. doi: 10.1186/s13053-018-0098-9

Table 9.

Observed cancer cases for the MSH6 cohort with 100% or 50% probability of MMR mutation (excluding colorectal and endometrial cancer)

Primary cancer Observed number Proportion [%] LL 95% UL 95% Proportion [%] in Sweden 1970 Proportion [%] in Sweden 2010 Reference outside CI
Breast 16 17.78 10 25.56 21.31 29.43 No
Ovary and Fallopian tube 14 15.56 8.89 23.33 6.4 2.6 above
Prostate 13 14.44 7.78 22.22 5.5 11.58 No
Kidney/urinary tract excl prostate 10 11.11 5.56 17.78 8.24 5.57 No
Stomach 8 8.89 3.33 15.56 6.74 1.38 No
Brain and nervous system 8 8.89 3.33 15.56 4.88 4.16 No
Blood and lymphatic tissue 7 7.78 2.22 13.33 8.66 8.21 No
Cervix 4 4.44 1.11 8.89 5.93 1.79 No
Liver and biliary system 3 3.33 0 7.78 3.14 1.71 No
Pancreas 2 2.22 0 5.56 3.23 1.85 No
Lung and airways 2 2.22 0 5.56 6.49 7 below
Skin excl melanom 1 1.11 0 3.33 1.96 5.44 No
Endocrine cancer 1 1.11 0 3.33 2.17 1.81 No
Bone and soft tissue 1 1.11 0 3.33 1.24 0.83 No
Head and neck 0 0 0 0 2.94 2.55 below
Oesophagus 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.54 below
Small bowel 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.56 below
female genital organ 0 0 0 0 0.72 0.46 below
Testicle 0 0 0 0 0.49 0.9 below
Penis 0 0 0 0 0.18 0.11 below
Malign melanom 0 0 0 0 3 7.23 below
Eye 0 0 0 0 0.47 0.34 below
Thyroid 0 0 0 0 1.35 1.59 below
Unspecified location 0 0 0 0 3.72 2.37 below

The observed proportions adjusted for age and sex are compared to those of the general population in year 1970 and 2010 (ref National Board of Health and Welfare). If the observed confidence interval in the Lynch syndrome group did not overlap with the proportions in the general population, the reference is denoted as “above” the reference and is marked in bold

LL Lower level of 95% confidence interval, UL upper level of 95% confidence interval