Fig. 1. Reconstructed ancestral sequences, phylogenetic tree ancestral, and extant CID/NCBD complexes.
(A) The sequences were previously reconstructed (6) using 181 (NCBD) and 184 (CID) protein sequences from present-day protostome and deuterostome species of the animal phyla, superclasses, and classes depicted in the simplified phylogenetic tree. (B) The complexes used in this study are (i) 1R CID with D/P NCBD (most ancient Cambrian-like complex), (ii) 1R CID with 1R/2R NCBD (the Ordovician-Silurian 1R/2R complex), and (iii) extant human CID/NCBD complex (from NCOA3 and CREBBP, respectively). Note that the timing of the whole-genome duplications 1R and 2R is not resolved and might predate the divergence of jawed and jawless vertebrates (25). Animals were downloaded from (C) The most ancient Cambrian-like complex (red) contains D/P NCBD and 1R CID. (D) The Ordovician-Silurian 1R/2R complex (blue) contains 1R/2R NCBD and 1R CID. (E) The extant human complex (magenta) contains human CREBBP NCBD and NCOA3 CID. In the three left panels, the solved structures of NCBD domains are displayed in cartoon representation and colored, while the CID domains are cartoon and gray. In the three right panels, the solved structures of CID domains are displayed as colored cartoons, and the NCBD domains are gray cartoons. The complexes in the left and right panels are rotated 180° with respect to each other.