Lethal force error rates during critical incident scenarios before and after the physiological intervention. Performance (ie, correct shoot/no shoot decisions) was scored by expert Use of Force Instructors, and showed a 67% decrease in errors of lethal use of force following the physiological intervention (nine errors pre-intervention, three errors post-intervention of 171 opportunities), which was maintained at 6-month (1 error of 117 opportunities, 84% reduction) and 12-month (1 error of 84 opportunities, 77% reduction) evaluations. Gains in police performance began to reverse at 18-month retention evaluation (3 errors of 87 opportunities, 35% reduction relative to pre-intervention error rates). Retention of the participant sample was maintained throughout the study, with 81% of officers (46/57) returning for at least one follow-up evaluation conducted at 6, 12, and 18 months.