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. 2018 Sep 25;11(3):398–426. doi: 10.3400/

Table 1-1 SVS WIfI classification: original 6) Table 1-1-1 Wound.

Grade Ulcer Gangrene
0 No ulcer No gangrene
Clinical description: ischemic rest pain (requires typical symptoms+ischemia grade 3); no wound.
1 Small, shallow ulcer(s) on distal leg or foot; no exposed bone, unless limited to distal phalanx No gangrene
Clinical description: minor tissue loss. Salvageable with simple digital amputation (1 or 2 digits) or skin coverage.
2 Deeper ulcer with exposed bone, joint or tendon; generally not involving the heel; Gangrenous changes limited to digits
shallow heel ulcer, without calcaneal involvement
Clinical description: major tissue loss salvageable with multiple (≧3) digital amputations or standard TMA±skin coverage.
3 Extensive, deep ulcer involving forefoot and/or midfoot; deep, full thickness heel ulcer±calcaneal involvement Extensive gangrene involving forefoot and/or midfoot; full thickness heel necrosis±calcaneal involvement
Clinical description: extensive tissue loss salvageable only with a complex foot reconstruction or nontraditional TMA (Chopart or Lisfranc);
flap coverage or complex wound management needed for large soft tissue defect

TMA: Transmetatarsal amputation