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. 2018 Sep 25;11(3):398–426. doi: 10.3400/

Table 3-2 Pretreatment condition 2.

a. Total
Temperature ≧38°C Blood test Hemodynamics Infection&
(−) (+) WBC CRP Alb Cr ABI TBI SPP Toe pressure Local (foot) Systemic
n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median Uninfected Skin or subcutaneous tissue (erythema)* Deep tissue# SIRS$
≦2.0 cm >2.0 cm (+) (−)
Rutherford 4 232 9 230 6,725 214 0.55 215 3.6 229 1.08 121 0.56 8 0.41 86 20 8 51.5 217 12 5 7 5 237
Rutherford 5 688 39 710 7,300 690 1.00 669 3.4 712 2.28 463 0.61 31 0.26 432 22 31 36 480 168 50 33 19 709
Rutherford 6 143 27 169 8,600 169 4.62 161 2.9 169 1.90 79 0.66 3 0.18 92 22.5 3 27 50 31 36 54 16 154
Total 1,063 75 1,109 7,400 1,073 1.16 1,045 3.4 1,110 1.54 663 0.61 42 0.27 610 22 42 36 747 211 91 94 40 1,100
b. ASO
Temperature ≧38°C Blood test Hemodynamics Infection&
(−) (+) WBC CRP Alb Cr ABI TBI SPP Toe pressure Local (foot) Systemic
n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median n Median Uninfected Skin or subcutaneous tissue (erythema)* Deep tissue# SIRS$
≦2.0 cm >2.0 cm (+) (−)
Rutherford 4 227 9 225 6,700 209 0.54 210 3.6 224 1.09 119 0.55 8 0.41 83 20 8 51.5 213 11 5 7 5 232
Rutherford 5 673 37 694 7,300 675 1.00 654 3.4 696 2.78 452 0.61 30 0.25 427 22 30 36 467 166 50 30 17 694
Rutherford 6 142 26 167 8,550 167 4.62 159 2.9 167 1.94 78 0.66 3 0.18 91 22 3 27 50 31 34 54 16 152
Total 1,042 72 1,086 7,375 1,051 1.17 1,023 3.4 1,087 1.61 649 0.60 41 0.26 601 22 41 36 730 208 89 91 38 1,078

WBC: white blood cell, CRP: C reactive protein, Alb: albumin, Cr: creatinine, ABI: ankle brachial (pressure) index, TBI: toe brachial (pressure) index, SPP: skin perfusion pressure, SIRS: systemic inflammatory response syndrome & Presence of infection is defined by the presence of at least 2 of the following items: ①Local swelling or induration, ②Erythema >0.5 to ≦2 cm around the ulcer, ③Local tenderness or pain, ④Local warmth, ⑤Purulent discharge (thick, opaque to white, or sanguineous secretion). * Local infection at skin and subcutaneous tissue was classified by the spreading of erythema (≦2.0 cm or >2 cm) around the ulcer/gangrene. # Local infection involving structures deeper than skin and subcutaneous tissues (e.g., abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, fasciitis). $ The signs of SIRS are manifested by two or more of the following: ①Temperature >38 or <36°C, ②Heart rate >90 beats/min, ③Respiratory rate >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mmHg, ④White blood cell count >12,000 or <4,000 cu/mm or 10% immature (band) forms.