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. 2018 Jul 10;3(4):582–590. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2018.06.005

Table 2.

Treatment information

Radiation therapy Median Min Max
Reirradiation dose received (Gy) 41.4 12.6 54.0
Reirradiation volume (cm3) 202 20 901
Cumulative maximum brainstem dose (Gy)
 All evaluable plansa 76.9 5.0 108.3
 Composite onlyb 67.9 5.0 99.5
Cumulative maximum optic structure dose (Gy)
 All evaluable plans 56.0 4.5 90.9
 Composite only 55.6 4.5 90.9
Time from initial to repeat radiation (mos) 27.6 4.8 214.2
Concurrent systemic therapy Number %
Temozolomide 66 55.9
Bevacizumab 16 13.6
Temozolomide+bevacizumab 13 11.0
Other 1 0.8
None 22 18.6

Cumulative maximum brainstem and optic structure doses are reported for:


All patients with plan information from initial and reirradiation treatments (summation of maximum point doses anywhere in the structure when composite plan fusion not available) (n = 69).


Patients with composite plan fusions only (n = 41).