Figure 2.
Expression analysis of DevR regulon genes in aerobically grown M. tuberculosis H37Rv and H37Ra devR overexpression strains. A, -fold induction of the Rv3134c-devR-devS operon and three DevR-regulated genes (narK2, hspX, and fdxA) in aerobic cultures of H37Ra devR (LIX48) and H37Rv devR (LIX50) overexpression strains relative to LIX47 and LIX49, EV control strains, respectively (baseline expression set to 1.0). ***, p < 0.001 for the differences in expression between LIX48 and LIX50 strains. B, Western blot analysis of whole-cell lysates of LIX49 (lane 1), LIX50 (lane 2), LIX47 (lane 3), and LIX48 (lane 4) with polyclonal rabbit anti-DevR antibodies (1:3000). Arrow, DevR protein. The top band in the blot was used as an internal control to normalize protein amounts in all lanes. C, -fold induction of devR and hspX in RNA isolated from aerobic cultures of M. tuberculosis H37Ra overexpressing phosphorylation-defective devRD54V gene (LIX67) relative to the EV control (baseline expression set to 1.0). ***, p < 0.001 for the differences in expression between LIX67 and control strains. Results are presented as mean ± S.D. (error bars) of three independent experiments.