Figure 4. Differences in between interneuron and pyramidal cell responses to the PST are also found at warmer temperature.
A-E) Responses at 33 °C and 2.5 mM [Ca2+]. Group data for facilitation interneurons (n=6 cells), depression interneurons (n=3 cells), and pyramidal cells (n=5 cells). A, B) Normalized EPSC amplitude vs. stimulus number during the PST (first 128 points), normalized by the average amplitude during the end of the control period (0.1 Hz constant frequency, last 32 points). C) Cumulative histograms of the normalized EPSC amplitudes during the PST. Dotted vertical line at 1 indicates separation between facilitation and depression. D) Normalized EPSC amplitude vs. instantaneous frequency. E) Ratio of PST responses from facilitation interneurons vs. pyramidal cells and depression interneurons vs. pyramidal cells, shown as a function of instantaneous frequency.