Figure 2.
STK33 Expression was Down‐Regulated in Cochlear Hair Cells (HCs) and HEI‐OC1 Cells After Gentamicin Treatment. CBA mice were subcutaneously injected gentamicin (200 mg/kg) from P7 to P14. The control group was injected sterile saline. A, ABR thresholds were increased after gentamicin treatment compared to the control ones at 5‐6 wk. **P < 0.01, n = 3. B‐C, Western blotting results confirmed that the expression level of STK33 was decreased in cochlear HCs after gentamicin treatment compared to the control group at 5‐6 wk. **P < 0.01, n = 3. D, STK33 expression in cochlear HCs was decreased after gentamicin treatment compared to the control ones by immunofluorescence staining at 5‐6 wk. Scale bars = 30 μm. E‐F, Western blotting results demonstrated that the expression of STK33 protein was significantly reduced in HEI‐OC1 cells with 3 mmol/L gentamicin treatment for 24 h compared to the untreated controls. GAPDH was served as the control. *P < 0.05, n = 3. G, STK33 (green) expression was decreased in HEI‐OC1 cells after gentamicin treatment compared to the untreated controls by immunofluorescence staining. Myosin 7a (red) was used as the marker in HEI‐OC1 cells. Scale bar = 30 μm. ABR, auditory brainstem response; HEI‐OC1, House Ear Institute‐Organ of Corti 1; STK33, serine/threonine kinase 33