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. 2018 Aug 3;7(15):e008552. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.008552

Table 1.

Study Design and Demographics Table

Study ID Design; Country; Year No. of Participants Mean Age, y % Male Participant Inclusion Criteria
Akersted, 201721 Prospective cohort study; Sweden; 1997–2010 43 868 51 36 Participants were aged >18 y in the Swedish National March study.
Amagai, 201022 Prospective cohort study; Japan; April 1992 to July 1995 11 367 55 39 Participants were adults of varying ages in 12 rural areas of Japan from the Jichi Medical School Cohort Study.
Aurora, 201623 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1995–2011 5784 64 46 Participants were aged 40 y and not treated for sleep‐disordered breathing in the Sleep Heart Health Study.
Ayas, 200324 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1986–1996 71 617 Unclear 0 Participants were US female health professionals aged 45 to 65 y who were enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study.
Bellavia, 201425 Prospective cohort study; Sweden; 1998–2012 70 973 Unclear 53 Participants were Swedish males and aged 45 to 79 y and females aged 39 to 76 y from the population‐based Cohort of Swedish Men and the Swedish Mammography Cohort.
Burazeri, 200326 Prospective cohort study; Israel; 1985 with up to 11 years’ follow‐up 1842 Unclear 46 Participants were aged >50 y in West Jerusalem in the Kiryat Yovel Community Health Study.
Cai, 201527 Prospective cohort study; China; 1996–2010 113 138 54 41 Participants were Chinese men and women in Shanghai, China in the Shanghai Women's Health Study and the Shanghai Men's Health Study.
Canivet, 201428 Prospective cohort study; Sweden; 1991–2005 13 617 Unclear 43 Participants were all people between the ages of 45 and 65 residing in Malmo, Sweden from the Malmo Diet and Cancer Study 1991.
Castro‐Costa, 201129 Prospective cohort study; Brazil; 1997–2005 1512 Median 69 38 Participants were all residents of Bambui city, Brazil aged ≥60 years on January 1, 1997 and part of the Bambui Cohort Study.
Chandola, 201030 Prospective cohort study; England; 1985–1988 10 308 Unclear 67 Participants were adults aged 35 to 55 y from 20 London‐based civil service departments in the Whitehall II Cohort.
Chen, 200831 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1994–1998 93 175 Unclear 0 Participants were postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 y from all over the United States in the Women's Health Initiative Observational study cohort.
Chen, 201332 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 1999–2002 4064 73.8 56 Participants were residents of the Shih‐Pai area of Taipei, Taiwan who were aged >65 y and part of the Shih‐Pai Sleep Study.
Chien, 201033 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 1990–1991 3430 54.8 50 Participants were adults aged >35 years in the Chin‐Shan Community Cardiovascular Cohort study and of Chinese ethnicity living in Chin‐Shan township, Taiwan.
Cohen‐Mansfeld, 201234 Prospective cohort study; Israel; 1989–1992 1166 83 55 Participants were older Jewish adults aged >75 y in the Cross‐Sectional and Longitudinal Aging Study.
Ensrud, 201235 Prospective cohort study; USA; 2003–2005 2505 76 100 Participants were nonfrail males aged ≥65 y, recruited by the prospective Osteoporotic Fractures in Men study.
Gangwisch, 200836 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1982–1992 9789 Unclear 37 Participants were men and women aged 25 to 74 y in the NHANES I epidemiological follow‐up study.
Garde, 201337 Prospective cohort study; Denmark; 1970–2001 5249 49 100 Participants were in the Copenhagen Male Study who were all men aged 40 to 59 y at 14 companies were invited.
Gianfagna, 201638 Prospective cohort study; Italy; 1986–2008 2277 51 100 Participants were men aged 35 to 74 y and CVD free in the MONICA‐Brianza and PAMELA population based cohorts.
Goto, 201339 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1987–1999 724 Unclear 65 Participants were aged ≥65 y in Okinawa Japan.
Hale, 201340 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1993–2009 3942 62 0 Participants were in the Women's Health Initiative clinical trial and observational study who were postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 y and did not have history of CHD.
Hall, 201541 Prospective cohort study: USA; 1997 start follow‐up of 9 years 3013 73.6 48.6 Participants were adults in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study.
Hamazaki, 201142 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1994–2008 2282 44 100 Participants were men aged 35 to 54 y at a light metal factory (Japan) who did not have previous cardiovascular events or missing information at baseline survey.
Helbig, 201543 Prospective cohort study; Germany; 1984–2001 17 604 48 50 Participants were age 25 to 74 y in the Monitoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease/Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg study.
Heslop, 200244 Prospective cohort study; Scotland; 1970–1995 3030 Unclear 85 Participants were working Scottish men and women recruited between 1970 and 1973.
Hoevenaar‐Blom, 201112 Prospective cohort study; Netherlands; 1993–2012 20 432 42 45 Participants were aged 20 to 65 y in the MORGEN study.
Huang, 201345 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 1999–2010 1901 Unclear 51 Participants were aged ≥65 y in the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan.
Hublin, 200746 Prospective cohort study; Finland; 1975–2003 21 268 41 48 Participants were in Finnish Twin Cohort who were all Finnish twin pairs of the same sex born before 1958 with both co‐twins alive in 1975.
Ikehara, 200947 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1988–2003 98 634 Unclear 42 Participants were in the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk where were aged 40 to 79 y and living in Japan.
Jung, 201348 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1984–2001 2001 74 44 Participants were in the community‐dwelling adults aged 60 to 96 y in The Rancho Bernardo Study.
Kakizaki, 201349 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1994–2008 49 256 60 48 Participants were aged 40 to 79 y in the Ohsaki Cohort Study.
Kawachi, 201650 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1992–2008 27 896 54 54 Participants were men and women aged ≥35 y in the Takayama Cohort Study.
Kim, 201351 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1993–2007 135 685 Unclear 46 Participants were aged 45 to 75 y in the Multiethnic Cohort Study from Hawaii and Los Angeles.
Kojima, 200052 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1982–1996 5322 47 46 Participants were aged 20 to 76 y from Shirakawa town, Japan.
Kripke, 200253 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1982–1988 1 116 936 57 43 Participants were aged 30 to 102 y in the Cancer Prevention Study II mainly friends/relatives of American Cancer Society volunteers.
Lan, 200754 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 1993–2003 3079 71 55 Participants were ≥64 y in the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan.
Lee, 201455 Prospective cohort study; Hong Kong; 2001–2010 3427 74 51 Participants were men and women in Hong Kong aged ≥65 y.
Lee, 201756 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 2006–2010 937 65 55 Participants were Taiwanese aged ≥53 y in the Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study.
Leng, 20159 Prospective cohort study; United Kingdom; 1998–2009 9692 62 46 Participants were adults aged 42 to 81 y in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer‐Norfolk cohort.
Li, 201357 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1983–1990 12 489 Unclear 38 Participants were residents aged 20 to 79 y in the Minami Saku area of Japan who were a part of the SAKUCESS project.
Liu, 201458 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1971–2007 3381 45 48 Participants were aged >30 y and were free from CHD in the Framingham Offspring Study.
Magee, 201159 Prospective cohort study; Australia; 2006–2009 218 155 63 47 Participants were Australian adults aged ≥45 y, residing in the state of New South Wales and part of the 45 and Up study.
Magee, 201360 Prospective cohort study; Australia; 2006–2009 227 815 Unclear 46.3 Participants were Australian adults aged ≥45 y, residing in the state of New South Wales and part of the 45 and Up study.
Mallon, 200261 Prospective cohort study; Sweden; 1983–1995 1870 56 48 Participants were a random adults aged 45 to 65 y in the population register of the County of Dalarna in Sweden.
Martin, 201162 Prospective cohort study; USA; Unclear 245 81 62 Participants were adults aged ≥65 y admitted to postacute rehabilitation sites in the Los Angeles area in the USA.
Meisinger, 200763 Prospective cohort study; Germany; 1984–1995 6896 58 50.9 Participants were German adults aged 45 to 74 y who were part of the MONICA Augsburg project.
Mesas, 201064 Prospective cohort study; Spain; 2001–2008 3820 71.8 44 Participants were noninstitutionalized adults aged ≥60 y living in Spain.
Pan, 201465 Prospective cohort study; Singapore; 1993–1998 63 257 57 44 Participants were Chinese adults in Singapore aged 45 to 74, recruited from Hokkiens and Cantonese dialect groups residing in government housing estates.
Patel, 200466 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1986–2000 82 969 53 0 Participants were women aged 30 to 55 y and residing in 11 US states that were part of the Nurses’ Health Study.
Pollak, 199067 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1984–1985 1855 75 Unclear Participants were elderly residents of an urban community aged 65 to 98 y.
Qiu, 201168 Prospective cohort study; China; 2005–2008 12 671 86 57 Participants were elderly Chinese adults from 22 provinces in China in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.
Qureshi, 199769 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1982–1992 7844 Unclear 36 Participants were US civilian noninstitutionalized adults aged >31 y and in the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow‐up Study (NHEFS).
Rhee, 201270 Prospective cohort study; Korea; 1992–2008 14 533 51 100 Participants were male subjects aged 40 to 59 y in the Seoul Male Cohort Study.
Rod, 201471 Prospective cohort study; UK; 1985–2010 9098 45 67 Participants were in the Whitehall II Cohort Study who were London‐based office staff aged 35 to 55 y working in 20 civil service departments in 1985.
Ruigomez, 199572 Prospective cohort study; Spain; 1986–1991 1219 Unclear 39 Participants were an elderly population in the 1986 Health Interview Survey of Barcelona.
Ruiter Petrov, 201473 Prospective cohort study; USA; 2003–2010 5666 61 44 Participants were aged ≥45 y in the Reasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke study.
Sands‐Lincoln, 201374 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1993–2009 86 329 63 0 Participants were in the Women's Health Initiative clinical trial and observational study who were postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 y and did not have a history of CHD.
Shankar, 200875 Prospective cohort study; Singapore; 1993–2006. 58 044 56 44 Participants were Chinese adults aged 45 to 75 y in the Singapore Chinese Health Study.
Song, 201676 Prospective cohort study; China; 2006–2010 95 203 51 79 Participants were aged 18 to 98 y in the Kailuan study.
Stone, 200977 Prospective cohort study; USA; Unclear 6107 80 50 Participants were community‐dwelling older adults participating in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures and the Outcomes of Sleep Disorders in Older Men Study.
Strand, 201678 Prospective cohort study; Taiwan; 1998–2011 392 164 40 49 Participants were Taiwanese adults aged 20 y who were participants in a health check‐up program run by MJ Health Management Institution.
Suzuki, 200911 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1999–2006 12 601 74 51 Participants were elderly residents aged 65 to 85 y in the Shizuoka Study.
Tamakoshi, 200479 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1988–1999 104 010 58 42 Participants were aged 40 to 79 y in the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study on Evaluation of Cancer Risk study.
Tsubono, 199380 Prospective cohort study; Japan; 1988–1992 4318 Unclear 40 Participants were aged ≥40 y in Japan who participated in the annual health examination program implemented by the Town Council.
Tu, 201281 Prospective cohort study; China; 1997–2006 68 832 60 0 Participants were women aged 40 to 70 y in the Shanghai Women's Health Study.
Twig, 201682 Prospective cohort study; Israel; unclear 23 690 30 100 Participants were men aged >25 y in the Israeli Defense Forces who were in the MELANY cohort study.
Von Ruesten, 201283 Prospective cohort study; Germany; 1994–2007 23 620 49 39 Participants were in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study in Potsdam.
Wang, 201684 Prospective cohort study; China; 2006–2010 95 903 51 80 Participants were aged 18 to 98 y in the Kailuan study.
Werle, 201185 Prospective cohort study; Brazil; 1994–2009 187 84 36 Participants were aged >80 y in the city of Veranopolis, Brazil.
Westerlund, 20138 Prospective cohort study; Sweden; 1997–2010 41 192 Unclear 35 Participants were aged ≥18 y in the Swedish National March Cohort Study.
Wingard, 198386 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1965–1974 6928 Unclear 47 Participants were aged 30 to 69 y of age in 1965 in California.
Xiao, 201487 Prospective cohort study; USA; 1995–2011 239 896 63 56 Participants were aged 51 to 72 y in the NIH AARP Diet and Health Study.
Yeo, 201388 Prospective cohort study; Korea; 1993–2010 13 164 55 41 Participants were aged ≥20 y in the Korean Multi‐center Cancer Cohort study.
Zawisza, 201589 Prospective cohort study; Poland; 1986–2008 2449 72 35 Participants were aged ≥65 y from Krakow city centre in Poland.
Zuubier, 201590 Prospective cohort study; Netherlands; 2004–2013 1734 62 47 Participants were aged ≥45 y in the Rotterdam Study.

CHD indicates coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; MELANY, Metabolic Lifestyle and Nutrition Assessment in Young Adults; MONICA‐Brianza, Monitoring of Cardiovascular Disease‐Brianza; MORGEN, Monitoring Project on Risk Factors and Chronic Diseases in the Netherlands; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PAMELA, Pressioni Arteriose Monitorate E Loro Associazioni; SAKUCESS, Saku Cancer Etiology Surveillance Study.