(A) Par MCF-7 cells were treated with DMSO (control), 4OHTam, α6-integrin blocking antibody GoH3, AF or GoH3 in combination with 4OHTam or AF before cell viability was assessed using the Alamar Blue™ assay as described in Materials and Methods. Statistically significant at ###P < 0.001 in comparison to DMSO (control) exposed. Statistically significant at ***P < 0.001 in comparison to 4OHTam alone and statistically significant at ++ P = 0.002, where indicated. (B) TamR MCF-7 cells were exposed to 4OHTam, α6-integrin blocking antibody GoH3, AF or GoH3 in combination with 4OHTam or AF before cell viability was assessed using the Alamar Blue™ assay as described in Materials and Methods. Statistically significant at ###P < 0.001 or ##P < 0.01 in comparison to 0.1% DMSO (control) exposed. Statistically significant at ***P < 0.001 in comparison to 4OHTam alone. Statistically significant at ++ P = 0.01, where indicated. (C) BT-474 and ZR-75–30 cells were exposed to GoH3, 4OHTam or the combination for up to 5 days before the Alamar Blue™ assay was used in accordance with Materials and Methods. Statistically significant at ***P < 0.001 in comparison to DMSO (control) exposed cells. Bars, SEM. Statistically significant at ### P < 0.001 in comparison to 4OHTam alone. (D) TamR MCF-7 cells were transfected with a pool of siRNAs against α6-integrin or non-targeting siRNAs. Transfected cells were exposed to 4OHTam or AF alone. Cell viability was determined using the Alamar Blue™ assay as described in the Materials and Methods. Statistically significant at ###P < 0.001 in comparison to DMSO (control) exposed. Statistically significant at ***P < 0.001 in comparison to 4OHTam alone. Statistically significant at +++P < 0.001, where indicated.