Fig. 6.
SKP2 identified as a highly penetrant Rb synthetic lethal effect in multiple, independently derived, data sets. a–c Scatter plots comparing p-values (−log10) for Rb synthetic lethal effects identified in Colt2 [22], Achilles [23] and DRIVE [29] data sets. p < 0.05 effects in any single screen are shown. p < 0.05 effects in two screens are shown in the top right hand quadrant of each plot. SKP2 and SART3, which were identified in all three screens as synthetically lethal with Rb defects, are highlighted in red. p < 0.05 effects in Colt2 data were identified by siMEM, followed by Z score and penetrance filtering (Fig. 2a); p < 0.05 effects in DRIVE and Achilles data were identified by median permutation t test, followed by Z score and penetrance filtering (Fig. 2a). d Scatter plots illustrating Z scores in 42 TNBC TCLs for SKP2 from the Colt2 data analysis. e Scatter plots illustrating Z scores in 16 TNBC TCLs for SKP2 from the Achilles data analysis. f Scatter plots illustrating Z scores in 12 TNBC TCLs for SKP2 from the Drive data analysis